Class Gifts
10th Anniversary (1967)
Cemetery Memorial Fountain

Outside the old gates of West Point to the Old Cadet Chapel
30th Anniversary (1987)
Arvin Gymnasium Hallway

40th Anniversary (1997)
Cadet Hostess tree

by Dave Ray, 2022
45th Anniversary (2002)
The Honor Plaza and Thayer Walk

The Honor Plaza is dedicated to the memory of our combat losses in Viet Nam, and the names of the 12 classmates who died in that war are on a plaque at the Thayer Road entrance.

by Don Sadler, 2022

by Pat Buck, 2022

by Don Sadler, 2022

by Pat Buck, 2022
"There is a true glory and a true honor; the glory of duty done - the honor of the integrity of principle.”
- Major Robert E. Lee, USMA Superintendent
“Make us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong and never to be content with a half truth when the whole can be won.”
- Cadet Prayer Book
“The inexact or untruthful soldier trifles with the lives of his fellow men and with the honor of his government, and it is therefore no matter of pride but rather a stern disciplinary necessity that makes West Point require of her students a character for trustworthiness that knows no evasions."
- West Point Honor Code, Major General Maxwell D. Taylor, Superintendent USMA
“I do not have to ask you to remember what you can not forget - the lessons of loyalty, of courage, of steadfast adherence to the highest standards of honor and uprightness which all men draw in when they breathe the atmosphere of this great institution”
- Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, Centennial of USMA, 1902
“Duty, Honor, Country - the code which those words perpetuate embraces the highest moral law and will stand the test of any ethics or philosophies ever promulgated for the uplift of mankind."
- General George MacArthur, May 12, 1962, Acceptance of Sylvanus Thayer Award.
“Honor, as it is understood by the Corps of Cadets is a fundamental attribute of character. It is a virtue which implies loyalty and courage, dignity, and self-respect, justice and generosity. Its underlying principle is truth.”
- West Point Honor Code, Major General Maxwell D. Taylor, Superintendent USMA
“Those of you who will accomplish great things will achieve the elevation of character that constitutes honor… If you do not develop honor, if you do not embrace the finest sense of justice that the human mind can frame, you will not be worthy of the confidence West Point and your country will place in you.”
- Barbara Jordan, 1995, Acceptance of Sylvanus Thayer Award.
50th Anniversary (2007)
Honor Kiosk in new Jefferson Hall Library
The Kiosk chronicles the history and relevance of the Honor Code and the role of honor in contemporary military and civilian society. The Kiosk contains a signed copy of Macarthur’s “Duty, Honor, Country” speech, notes from graduates about honor, and a manuscript from Colonel Len Marrella, PhD (class of 1957).