Dan McCrary
Howitzer Yearbook

Mobile, Alabama
A true Alabama rebel, Dan came to West Point after a year of college [Spring Hill College], which seemed to do him no good. He had so much trouble with the Academic Department that he relied on Carl Burgdorf and the infinite goodness of his Professor to squeeze him through. It was hard to keep up with his nicknames, but he was known to a lot of his friends as "Dan". His friendly gestures and boisterous laugh will long be remembered.
Company H-1
Boxing 3
Fencing 4
Cadet Chapel Choir 4,3,2,1
Spanish Club 4,3
Weight Lifting Club 4,3,2,1
KDET Radio 3
Mule Rider 4
Sergeant 1
"On the Banks of the Hudson, fifty miles north of New York City, our cadet career began in 1953.
Who will ever forget that first day and all the rest of Beast Barracks. Finally the Plebe Hike, then came autumn and football trips.
Plebe Christmas, a welcome change, then the [winter] gloom period, 100th night show, and Spring Leave." - Howitzer

At Home on Leave