First Class Photos
These are images the First Class Cadets may have seen and experienced in 1957. Some of this photographs are hanging in the Arvin Gymnasium Hall as a Gift from the Class of 1957.

(circa 1957)
View of Bradley Barracks, Washington (Dining) Hall, Barracks, Cadet Chapel, Lusk Reservior, and Michie Football Stadium. Notice Washington Hall (in the bottom center) only had the 2 wings from the center of the building. In later years, the center building would be extended and 2 additional wings would be added that connected to existing barracks.
Band Box Review

(circa 1957)
Socials & Hops in the Gym

(circa 1957)
Camp Buckner Chow Line

(circa 1957)
Nearby Camp Buckner is outside of the main campus where military training is conducted. During a cadet's first summer as a Fourth Class cadet, they undergo Cadet Basic Training (CBT). During a cadet's second summer as a Third Class cadet, they undergo Cadet Field Training (CFT) where they train in more advanced field craft and military skills. The seven weeks at Camp Buckner builds on the Army skills the cadets learned during Cadet Basic Training (CBT) during their first summer. During a cadet's third summer as a Second Class cadet, they may serve as instructors for CBT or CFT. Rising First Class cadets also spend one-month training at Camp Buckner, where they train for modern tactical situations that they will soon face as new platoon leaders.
Beast Barracks

First day May 1957. New cadet is face to face with Lieutenant instructor. ‘You have one month to take away your double chin’… ‘Yes Sir!’ by Pierre Boulat.
Entering freshmen, or fourth class cadets, are referred to as New Cadets, and enter the academy on Reception Day or R-day, which marks the start of Cadet Basic Training (CBT), known colloquially as Beast Barracks, or simply Beast. Most cadets consider Beast to be their most difficult time at the academy because of the transition from civilian to military life.